

Customs intensifies bomb and drug checks

Saudi Customs has increased inspections at all the country’s entry points to counter the smuggling into the country of explosives, drugs, radioactive material and other contraband.
Customs officers are using hi-tech equipment and 452 specially trained sniffer dogs to help them during inspections, according to a report published recently in a local publication.
The dogs have already been able to detect thousands of illicit items at the country’s borders. Four dogs take seven minutes to inspect a vehicle and 25 minutes for a 747 plane, the report stated.
The department has deployed 363 teams specializing in the detection of illegal drugs, and 82 teams to detect explosives. In addition, it has posted 150 teams at land border points, 81 at airports and 64 at the country’s harbors. 
The department said it is using 86 specialized fixed and mobile systems to check for radioactive material in containers and trucks at all border checkpoints.
The department stated in a press release that it had seized 56 million narcotic pills and 109 fake and counterfeit items in 2014. 
It said that it would soon set up a training center in Riyadh, the first of its kind in the Middle East, to train local and regional officers.
Saudi Customs is currently working to integrate its operations with various government bodies to ensure efficiency and optimal performance.
To mark International Customs Day, the department said in a release that it would be working to ensure 2015 is dedicating to promoting the campaign “Coordinated Border Management — An inclusive approach for connecting stakeholders,” which has been adopted by the World Customs Organization.