

Attention Smokers And Ex-Smokers: These 6 Foods Flush Out Nicotine From Your Bodies

Smoking is harmful for the health. We are all aware of this, but for some it is quite difficult to break this habit. Nicotine causes rapid increase of the blood pressure and serious damage to the lungs. Moreover, even if you stop smoking, the effect of nicotine will last for years.
Healthy foods and lifestyle changes can help you eliminate the nicotine from your body.
We have listed some of the best foods that will help you remove the nicotine from your body:
It is rich in vitamin C and B5. Smoking reduces the levels of vitamin C in the body. Eat more broccoli to eliminate the nicotine from your organism.
Orange juice is rich in vitamin C. Regular consumption of oranges will boost your metabolism and relieve stress.
Carrot Juice
If you smoke, then you should know that every time you light a cigarette the nicotine remains in your body for three days. Nicotine also damages your skin. Carrot juice is good for the skin, and it rich in vitamins A, C, K and B, that are proven to be efficient in removing the nicotine from the body.
Spinach is one of the healthiest vegetables, because it is not only rich in vitamins, but also contains large amounts of folic acid.
Kiwi Fruit
This miracle fruit will help you eliminate the nicotine from your body. Kiwi fruit is a rich source of vitamins A, C and E. When you smoke, the levels of these vitamins reduce.
Smoking dehydrates your body. According to many researchers, by drinking plenty of water you can stop smoking and eliminate the nicotine from your body.

Arab League warns of Jerusalem ‘red line’

A Palestinian woman argues with an Israeli border police officer near the Lions Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem on Sunday. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday urged lawmakers to show restraint over Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque, which has been at the heart of rising tension with the Palestinians in recent weeks. (Reuters/Amir Cohen)

CAIRO: The Arab League warned Sunday that Israel has reached a “red line” after fresh clashes in Jerusalem, urging international pressure to stop what it branded “violations” in the holy city.
Clashes around the flashpoint Al-Aqsa mosque compound — the third holiest site in Islam and Judaism’s holiest — prompted Israel on Thursday to close the site for a day.
Al-Aqsa and adjacent neighborhoods have seen months of violence, with the mosque compound a rallying point for Palestinian resistance to perceived Jewish attempts to take control of it.
“Israel has reached a red line,” Arab League deputy chief Ahmed Ben Hilli said after an assembly of the 22-member bloc’s delegates.
He called on Arabs and the international community “to put a stop to these practices by the Israeli occupation authorities in Jerusalem.”
“Touching Jerusalem will lead to results with untold consequences,” he added.
On Sunday, Israeli far-right lawmaker Moshe Feiglin visited the compound in Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem, pressing for Jews to be allowed to pray there despite the heightened tensions over its status.
He was met with protests from Muslims crying “Allahu akbar” (God is greater).
The United States on Thursday urged all sides in Jerusalem to exercise restraint in the holy city, and said it was working with Israelis, Palestinians and Jordanians to try to restore calm.
The Palestinians want east Jerusalem, including Al-Aqsa, as the capital of their future state. Israel considers east Jerusalem, conquered in 1967, to be part of its “eternal” capital.

Sheikh Saleh Bin-Humaid, imam and preacher of the Grand Mosque in Makkah, Avoid seditious websites, says Bin-Humaid

Sheikh Saleh Bin-Humaid, imam and preacher of the Grand Mosque in Makkah, said people of the country should do some soul-searching, determination and some hard work to stand in the face of the enemies of the Muslim nation who use all means and methods to instill sedition in them.
In particular, the imam warned against some social networking sites that spread rumors and lies and belittle the country’s gains and attack the leadership and sacred symbols.
According to Bin-Humaid, the goals of these websites are to shake the Kingdom’s credibility and stability and the confidence its people have in its scientists and good loyal citizens.
He cited some sarcastic comments that are meant to be humorous but in fact serve to shake the confidence and convictions of people. Such opinions, comments and tweets, Bin-Humaid believes, are the fastest way to confuse the people and they represent a kind of media and psychological war to destroy the principles of the nation.
Bin-Humaid said that by looking at some of the neighboring countries, citizens should derive important lessons, as they have become battlefields after citizens thought that their situation and circumstances would be better off if they rebelled against their rulers.
Another thing that one should ponder upon, he added, is to think better of this blessed country, the land of the Two Holy Mosques and the sacred sites, the land where Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was born, the land of the Islamic creed and the one Allah Almighty.
Bin Humaid said that this blessed country was in the past full of ignorance and diseases, its tribes and people fighting each other. But now it has dramatically changed for the better and is blessed with unity and peace under its wise leadership. With such leadership, the country moved from being marginalized, the imam said, isolated and weak to become the most effective and vital force on the regional and world map.
“This blissful country was honored by a great honor from God, that is to serve pilgrims and Hajis who come each year to perform the holy rituals and find safety and peace here and leave with God’s care after being blessed with performing the holy rituals,” said Bin-Humaid.

Two-year ban proposed for expats leaving on exit visas

A Council of Saudi Chambers (CSC) labor market committee has put forth a recommendation banning expats who have left the country on final exit visas from returning to the Kingdom for work for a period of two years.
The recommendation, which will be submitted to higher authorities for approval, was adopted by the committee at a meeting hosted by the Asharqia Chamber.
“This recommendation was based on a similar successful measure taken by a neighboring Gulf country,” said Mansoor Al-Shethri, chairman of the committee.
“If implemented, the measure is bound to boost nationalization in the business sector,” he said.
“The recommendation is a follow-up on a previous Cabinet resolution issued in 1975 and updated in 1977, which imposes a three-year ban on expat workers who left the Kingdom in violation of their contracts.”
He added: “Another clause within the same resolution stipulates a one-year ban on workers who refused to renew their contracts with their employers.”
Al-Shethri also said that the committee discussed several other issues affecting the labor market, including the recent minimum wage implemented by the Labor Ministry, the CSC and the National Labor Committee.