

BAGHDAD: Islamic State group extremists lined up and shot dead at least 50 Iraqi tribesmen, women and children Sunday, officials said, the latest mass slaying by militants who have killing some 150 members of the tribe in recent days.

This image posted on a militant website on June 14, 2014, which has been verified and is consistent with other AP reporting, appears to show militants from the al-Qaida-inspired Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) taking aim at captured Iraqi soldiers wearing plain clothes after taking over a base in Tikrit, Iraq. (AP)

BAGHDAD: Islamic State group extremists lined up and shot dead at least 50 Iraqi tribesmen, women and children Sunday, officials said, the latest mass slaying by militants who have killing some 150 members of the tribe in recent days.
The killings, all committed in public, target the Sunni Al Bu Nimr tribe that the Islamic State group now apparently views as a threat, though previously some Sunnis backed the expansion of the group and other militants into the volatile province in December.
Sunday’s attack on the Sunni tribe took place in the village of Ras Al-Maa, north of Ramadi, the provincial capital. There, the militant group killed at least 40 men, six women and four children, lining them up and publicly killing them one by one, Sheikh Naim Al-Gaoud, a senior tribesman, told The Associated Press. The militants also kidnapped another 17 people, he said.
An official with the Anbar governor’s office corroborated the tribesman’s account. He spoke on condition of anonymity as he was not authorized to brief journalists.
The attack against Al Bu Nimr tribe comes after militants killed another 50 members of its members late Friday and 48 on Thursday, according to various officials who have spoken to the AP.
Meanwhile, a car bomb attack near tents serving Shiites killed 14 people and wounded 32 in Baghdad, police and medical officials said. They said the bombing in Baghdad’s Bayaa district struck as people delivered food to Shiites heading to Karbala.

Germany attracts medical tourists from Kingdom

Germany’s sound medical treatment is bringing thousands of Saudis to the country to benefit from medical services in hospitals, in addition to patients who come on the expense of the state, according to Osama Shobokshi, Saudi ambassador to Germany. The ambassador’s statement came as part of a lecture the diplomat gave in Stuttgart on Friday, under the title “Medical Tourism in Germany.”
With over 10,000 Saudis visiting the country each year, one of the reasons that make Germany so attractive not only for the Kingdom’s citizens, but worldwide, is because they provide quality services in addition to the presence of specialists in health care and medical tourism, Shobokshi said.
He also pointed out that there is a large number of qualified doctors who have the ability to diagnose and establish medical infrastructure as well as specialized clinics.
As part of his lecture, he reviewed the most important characteristics of health care in Germany, which provides innovative medical services in a number of fields, such as preventive medicine and rehabilitation. He commended the health and natural climate, healing water, natural remedies and beautiful scenery of Germany which help patients heal quicker.
The ambassador also talked about the distinguished relations between Germany and Saudi Arabia and their cooperation in all fields, describing these relations as a true partnership.

Home Remedy for Back Pain

The following home remedies are appropriate for anyone who is suffering from back pain due to tight, aching muscles or a strain. However, if you are experiencing pain, weakness, or numbness in the legs, or a loss of bowel or bladder control, see a doctor without delay.
Don’t take it lying down. Conventional wisdom once held that several days or even weeks in bed were the best cure for a sore back. However, a growing number of doctors today encourage patients to get up and around as soon as possible and to avoid bed rest entirely if possible. That’s because mounting research shows that lying down for an extended period not only fails to speed up relief of low back pain but may make it even worse. If you feel you must rest your aching back, the best position is lying flat on your back with two pillows underneath your knees. Never lie facedown, since this position forces you to twist your head to breathe and may cause neck pain. Make an effort to get up and move around, slowly and gently, as soon as possible. Any more than three days of bed rest could weaken the muscles and make them more prone to strain.
Ice it. Applying an ice pack to the painful area within 24 hours of an injury can help keep inflammation to a minimum and ease discomfort by decreasing the ability of nerves to send pain signals to the brain. Place ice cubes in a plastic bag, then apply the bag on top of a thin towel that has been placed on the skin. Leave the ice pack on for 20 minutes, take it off for 30 minutes, then replace it for another 20 minutes.
Take a hot bath. If more than 24 hours have passed since the injury occurred, ice will not help reduce pain or inflammation. After that first day, heat may help increase the elasticity of the muscles somewhat, so try soaking in a tub of hot water for 20 minutes or more. Pregnant women, however, should not sit in a hot bath or hot tub for too long, since raising the body temperature over 100 degrees Fahrenheit for long periods may cause birth defects or miscarriage. If you are pregnant, contact your doctor for advice before trying a hot soak.
Invest in a new mattress. A soft, sagging mattress may contribute to the development of back problems or worsen an existing problem. If a new mattress is not in your budget, however, a three-quarter-inch-thick piece of plywood placed between the mattress and box spring may help somewhat. It’s not clear whether water beds offer any relief for back pain.
Get some sleep. Getting sufficient rest at night is important when your back muscles are strained. It’s best to lie on your side, with the knees flexed and a pillow between them. If you lie on your back, place a pillow under your knees.
Get a massage. If you’re lucky enough to have an accommodating spouse, friend, or roommate, ask him or her to give you a rubdown. As you lie facedown on a bed or sofa, ask your masseuse to knead your back muscles. Local massage therapists may also make house calls if you don’t feel able to visit one of them. Check the yellow pages for listings or ask your doctor or a friend for a referral.
Relax. Much back pain is the result of muscles made tight by emotional tension. Learn and practice a relaxation technique, such as meditation, or try a deep-breathing exercise, such as closing your eyes, breathing slowly and deeply, and counting backward from 100.
Take two aspirin. Taking an over-the-counter analgesic such as aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen may help relieve your pain. However, be aware that not all medications, not even nonprescription ones, are for everyone. Pregnant women, for example, should not take any medication without first checking with their doctor. And people with ulcers should stay away from analgesics containing aspirin. Don’t take any medicine for a bad back without first learning about its potential side effects and talking to your doctor. Consult this list of precautions to take when using over-the-counter analgesics.

The Riyadh Police arrested 497 illegal workers, including 12 wanted men, in five districts during the weekend in the capital.

The Riyadh Police arrested 497 illegal workers, including 12 wanted men, in five districts during the weekend in the capital.
Security authorities went on an inspection to apprehend illegal workers in five districts, including Manfouha, Malaqa, Shemeisi, Sulay and Masif upon directives issued by Riyadh Gov. Prince Turki Bin Abdullah.
According to an official, those arrested were from different nationalities, but several were from African countries and Yemen.
The operations were carried out on Friday and Saturday. Police were able to net 297 violators of local regulations on the first day alone. The Riyadh police had carried out the 48-hour exercise.
“Most of these expatriates worked as truck drivers, construction workers, taxi drivers and vendors and others have been working as freelancers in various jobs,” the official said, adding that most of the pavement hawkers at these districts were illegal workers and also they were engaged in hiring domestic aides to various household to earn extra bucks. Most of those who were arrested included runaway workers and those whose resident certificates (iqama) have expired.
The Ministry of Interior had earlier advised all illegal expatriates in the Kingdom to correct their work and residency status before the end of the amnesty period, which fell on Nov. 1, 2013, or leave the country. The official pointed out that those arrested will be investigated and will be subject to fines and repatriation depending on the severity of their cases.

US assault case: Saudi man faces deportation

Watch video: Rain with heavy winds in Ras Al Khaimah